Martijn Groeneveld

mix, recording, engineer, producer, programming, drums, synthesizer
BlaudzunTarık KemancıThe Gasoline BrothersPsalmen voor NuRegina LoveOnly other artist's recordings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Tarık Kemancı
The Gasoline Brothers
Psalmen voor Nu
Regina Love

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Blaudzun engineer, mix, producer, recording Alarmalarma, Another Ghost Rocket, Any Cold Wind (Sweet Selene), Between a Kiss and a Sorry Goodbye, Don't Waste the Shadow, Echo Heartache, Euphoria, Everything Stops, Flame on My Head (Wanna Go Song), Halcyon, Heavy Flowers, Here to Now, Hollow People, Jupiter, Kids Around (Hollow People Revisited), Le Chant des cigales, Le Chant des vagues, Monday, Ocean Floor (From All the Stars), Out of Mind (Hand It Over), Promises of No Man’s Land, Rotterdam, Solar, Streets of Babylon, Sunday Punch, Too Many Hopes for July, Wasteland, We Both Know, Who Took the Wheel, Wingbeat, Éléphants, Éléphants (Nocturne)
Tarık Kemancı engineer 7 Layers, Fall, Ghost, Home, Home II, Hungry, Hush, It Gets Better, Let the River In, Swim to You, Tonight (interlude), Waves
The Gasoline Brothers producer 2-5 Tuesday, Going in Circles, Lorenza Pellegrini, Over Me, Psychosomatic Heart Failure, Same Mistakes, Strange Rules, There It Goes (For Koos), Tongue-tied, Undecided, Watch the Fireman, Wonderful and Sad
Psalmen voor Nu programming, drums, synthesizer Psalm 41: Als jij op jouw beurt bijna valt, Psalm 61: Van heel ver weg, Psalm 67: God zegent ons, Psalm 8: De handtekening van de HEER
Regina Love engineer 60 Years of TV (Competition Me and You), A Celebration of Some Kind, Annual Checkup, Rat Race