Mark Kibble

arranger, vocal, vocal arranger, keyboard, producer, engineer, programming, sampler

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Take 6
Eliane Elias
Marcus Miller (jazz musician)
Shawn Hughes

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Take 6 arranger, engineer, producer, programming, vocal, vocal arranger, keyboard, sampler 'Twas Da Nite, Amen!, David and Goliath, Don't Shoot Me, Get Away, Jordan, He Never Sleeps, Mary, Milky-White Way, Oh! He Is Christmas, Reset, Spread Love, Sweet Little Jesus Boy, The Little Drummer Boy, When Angels Cry, You Know You're In Love
Eliane Elias vocal, vocal arranger By Hand, Copacabana, Speak Low
Marcus Miller vocal Silver Rain
Shawn Hughes vocal Bridge Over Troubled Water