Mario Borgotta

mix, recording

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Death Cab for Cutie
Muse (UK rock band)
Mew (Danish indie rock/shoegaze band)
Charles Park
Flying Lotus

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Death Cab for Cutie recording Binary Sea, Black Sun, El Dorado, El Dorado (demo), Everything’s a Ceiling, Good Help (Is So Hard to Find), Hold No Guns, Ingenue, Little Wanderer, No Room in Frame, The Ghosts of Beverly Drive, You’ve Haunted Me All My Life
Muse mix Aftermath, Dead Inside, Defector, Drones, Mercy, Psycho, Reapers, Revolt, The Globalist, The Handler, [Drill Sergeant], [JFK]
Mew mix Clinging to a Bad Dream, Cross the River on Your Own, Interview the Girls, Making Friends, My Complications, Rows, Satellites, The Night Believer, Water Slides, Witness
Charles Park mix Poltergeist, Weaker Girl
Flying Lotus mix Moment of Hesitation