Edna MullinaxLeasie WhitmireSue TrotmanEd TeagueHelen McDuffieOnly this artist's recordings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Edna Mullinax vocal, guitar Old Joe Clark, Talking Blues, The Rambling Boy (Laws L12), The River of Jordan
Leasie Whitmire bass Old Joe Clark, Talking Blues, The Rambling Boy (Laws L12), The River of Jordan
Sue Trotman vocal, guitar Old Joe Clark, Talking Blues, The Rambling Boy (Laws L12), The River of Jordan
Ed Teague banjo Old Joe Clark, The Rambling Boy (Laws L12), The River of Jordan
Helen McDuffie vocal Old Joe Clark, Talking Blues, The River of Jordan

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Edna Mullinax vocal, guitar Old Joe Clark, Talking Blues, The Rambling Boy (Laws L12), The River of Jordan
Leasie Whitmire bass Old Joe Clark, Talking Blues, The Rambling Boy (Laws L12), The River of Jordan
Sue Trotman vocal, guitar Old Joe Clark, Talking Blues, The Rambling Boy (Laws L12), The River of Jordan
Ed Teague banjo Old Joe Clark, The Rambling Boy (Laws L12), The River of Jordan
Helen McDuffie vocal Old Joe Clark, Talking Blues, The River of Jordan