Louis-Claude Daquin

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Julianne Baird vocal Noel Etranger, Noel en Musette, Noel en Trio et en Dialogue
Varda Nishry piano Le Coucou, The Cuckoo
Elizabeth Anderson (harpsichordist) harpsichord The Cuckoo
Michel Bouvard organ Noël VI, sur les jeux d'anches et en duo
Robert Aldwinckle harpsichord Le Coucou

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Julianne Baird vocal Noel Etranger, Noel en Musette, Noel en Trio et en Dialogue
Varda Nishry piano Le Coucou, The Cuckoo
Elizabeth Anderson (harpsichordist) harpsichord The Cuckoo
Michel Bouvard organ Noël VI, sur les jeux d'anches et en duo
Robert Aldwinckle harpsichord Le Coucou
Werner Simons organ Le Coucou
Сергей Рахманинов (Sergei Rachmaninoff) piano Le coucou