Laura Risk

arranger, fiddle, producer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Cordelia's Dad

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Axelerator arranger Charlie's Birthday, Cruit Mo Chridh, Gabriel and Diana, Happy to Meet You Charlie, Lydia's Dance, MacDonald of the Isles, Five Couple, Montreal Anniversary Jig, Montreal Rendezvous, Moran Taing, Mrs. Frances MacCullough, Yet Another Birthday
Matapat fiddle L'amuseur de filles / Sept huîtres et demie / Le ton Morin, La Vendée / Brandy rose / Get up Sam, Le champ de pois / Reel des cent larmes, Petit fou et sa suite, Reel de la pêche au capelan / Reel St-Sauveur
Cordelia's Dad producer, fiddle How Can I Keep From Singing