Larry LaLonde

guitar, electric guitar, vocal, guitars

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Primus (US rock band)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Primus vocal, electric guitar, guitar, guitars Candy Man, Cheer Up Charlie, Eternal Consumption Engine, Extinction Burst, Eyes of the Squirrel, Farewell Wonkites, Golden Ticket, Green Ranger, HOINFODAMAN, Hello Wonkites, Hennepin Crawler, I Want It Now, Jilly’s on Smack, Last Salmon Man, Lee Van Cleef, Lermaninoff, Los Bastardos, Moron TV, Oompa Augustus, Oompa TV, Oompa Veruca, Oompa Violet, Prelude to a Crawl, Pure Imagination, Salmon Men, Semi‐Wondrous Boat Ride, Tragedy’s a’Comin’