arranger, producer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Michael Fisher (Percussionist) performer In the Middle of Reef 〜微風のまなざし〜
本多俊之 alto saxophone, keyboard In the Middle of Reef 〜微風のまなざし〜
櫻井哲夫 bass guitar In the Middle of Reef 〜微風のまなざし〜
神保彰 drums In the Middle of Reef 〜微風のまなざし〜

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Michael Fisher (Percussionist) performer In the Middle of Reef 〜微風のまなざし〜
本多俊之 alto saxophone, keyboard In the Middle of Reef 〜微風のまなざし〜
櫻井哲夫 bass guitar In the Middle of Reef 〜微風のまなざし〜
神保彰 drums In the Middle of Reef 〜微風のまなざし〜
鳥山敬治 synthesizer In the Middle of Reef 〜微風のまなざし〜

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alvians arranger, producer ESTRADA NOVA, Searchin’ For My Dreams