Kristian Stanfill

Chris TomlinChristy NockelsJesse ReevesNathan NockelsBrett YounkerDaniel CarsonTravis NunnMatt GilderMatt PodeslaMolley MoodyDolphinsAdam Payne BandBoth artists' recordingsOnly this artist's recordingsOnly other artist's recordings

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Chris Tomlin performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Christy Nockels performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Jesse Reeves performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Nathan Nockels performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Brett Younker performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Chris Tomlin performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Christy Nockels performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Jesse Reeves performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Nathan Nockels performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Brett Younker performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Daniel Carson performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Travis Nunn performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Matt Gilder performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Matt Podesla performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains
Molley Moody performer Not Ashamed, One Thing Remains

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Chris Tomlin performer No Turning Back, The Only One, White Flag, Yahweh
Christy Nockels performer How I Love You, Sing Along, You Revive Me
Dolphins performer Jesus, Son of God
Adam Payne Band performer Lay Me Down