Kris Weston

engineer, mix, remixer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Orb
Global Communication
Killing Joke

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Orb engineer, mix Bang ’er ’n Chips, Blue Room, Close Encounters, Majestic, More Gills Less Fishcakes, O.O.B.E., Occidental, Occidental (Bandalu remix), Pomme Fritz (Meat ’n Veg), Pomme Fritz (Meat ’n’ Veg), Slug Dub, Sticky End, Towers of Dub, U.F.Orb, We’re Pastie to Be Grill You
Material remixer Mantra (Orb remix), Praying Mantra (Orb remix)
Global Communication remixer 7:39 (Link and E621 Appliance of Science mix)
Killing Joke mix Requiem (A Floating Leaf Always Reaches the Sea dub mix)