Kori Linae Carothers


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Claire-Marie Le Guay piano Chaconne, Chant sans paroles en fa majeur, op. 2 n°3, Invention, Jeux de doubles, Les Litanies de l'ombre, Musical Toys: I. Mechanical Accordion, Musical Toys: II. Magic Roundabout, Musical Toys: III. The Trumpeter in the Forest, Musical Toys: IV. The Magic Smith, Musical Toys: IX. The Woodpecker, Musical Toys: V. April Day, Musical Toys: VI. Song of the Fisherman, Musical Toys: VII. The Little Tit, Musical Toys: VIII. A Bear Playing the Double Bass and the Black Woman, Musical Toys: X. The Elk Clearing, Musical Toys: XI. Sleigh with Little Bells, Musical Toys: XII. The Echo, Musical Toys: XIII. The Drummer, Musical Toys: XIV. Forest Musicians
Richard Schultz (associated with Question Mark & The Mysterians)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Claire-Marie Le Guay piano Chaconne, Chant sans paroles en fa majeur, op. 2 n°3, Invention, Jeux de doubles, Les Litanies de l'ombre, Musical Toys: I. Mechanical Accordion, Musical Toys: II. Magic Roundabout, Musical Toys: III. The Trumpeter in the Forest, Musical Toys: IV. The Magic Smith, Musical Toys: IX. The Woodpecker, Musical Toys: V. April Day, Musical Toys: VI. Song of the Fisherman, Musical Toys: VII. The Little Tit, Musical Toys: VIII. A Bear Playing the Double Bass and the Black Woman, Musical Toys: X. The Elk Clearing, Musical Toys: XI. Sleigh with Little Bells, Musical Toys: XII. The Echo, Musical Toys: XIII. The Drummer, Musical Toys: XIV. Forest Musicians

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Richard Schultz synthesizer Carpe Diem