Kong Sing Wei


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Steven Huf mix, recording 15th Century, Eeling, Eight of Cups, Feast of Trumpets, Fingers Down the Throat of Love, Garden of Pomegranates, Migrane Victims and the Cicadas, Nine of Swords, The Dance of Salome, The Dowser
Joshua Lynn producer A Failed Exorcism, A Fraud, Abroad, Ceramic Miscarriages, Darwinning, Pollen Moon, Rainbow Islands, Scissoring, Scrying, The Twelfth House
Alexander Brown (engineer, artwork, Girls Pissing On Girls Pissing) mix, recording Lambskin, Land of the Long White Stain, The Great Disappointment
Rohan Evans recording Lambskin, Land of the Long White Stain, The Great Disappointment
Troye Sivan

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Steven Huf mix, recording 15th Century, Eeling, Eight of Cups, Feast of Trumpets, Fingers Down the Throat of Love, Garden of Pomegranates, Migrane Victims and the Cicadas, Nine of Swords, The Dance of Salome, The Dowser
Joshua Lynn producer A Failed Exorcism, A Fraud, Abroad, Ceramic Miscarriages, Darwinning, Pollen Moon, Rainbow Islands, Scissoring, Scrying, The Twelfth House
Alexander Brown (engineer, artwork, Girls Pissing On Girls Pissing) mix, recording Lambskin, Land of the Long White Stain, The Great Disappointment
Rohan Evans recording Lambskin, Land of the Long White Stain, The Great Disappointment

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Troye Sivan piano FOOLS