Klaus Nielsen


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Derek Jacobi vocal Catch Makka Pakka's Og-pog!, Everybody Loves Jumping!, Hello Igglepiggle!, Hello Makka Pakka!, Hello Pontipines!, Hello Upsy Daisy!, Igglepiggle Goes for a Walk, In the Night Garden Opening Theme, It's the Tombliboos' House!, Oh No! It's the Ninky Nonk!, The Haahoos, The Pinky Ponk, The Pontipines go for a Walk, Time To Go To Sleep, Time for the Tombliboos to Clean their Teeth, Tombliboo Bricks, Upsy Daisy Kisses Everything in the Garden, Where is the Pinky Ponk Going?
Mew (Danish indie rock/shoegaze band)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Derek Jacobi vocal Catch Makka Pakka's Og-pog!, Everybody Loves Jumping!, Hello Igglepiggle!, Hello Makka Pakka!, Hello Pontipines!, Hello Upsy Daisy!, Igglepiggle Goes for a Walk, In the Night Garden Opening Theme, It's the Tombliboos' House!, Oh No! It's the Ninky Nonk!, The Haahoos, The Pinky Ponk, The Pontipines go for a Walk, Time To Go To Sleep, Time for the Tombliboos to Clean their Teeth, Tombliboo Bricks, Upsy Daisy Kisses Everything in the Garden, Where is the Pinky Ponk Going?

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mew piano Her Voice Is Beyond Her Years