Kimya Dawson

vocal, producer, guitar, keyboard, toy piano, xylophone, performer, mbira

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jason Carmer producer, vocal, bass All I Could Do, Captain Lou, Driving Driving Driving, I Like My Bike, Mare and the Bear, Miami Advice, Reflections, Same Shit / Complicated, Solid and Strong, The Library, Unrefined, Utopian Futures, Walk Like Thunder, Year 10, You’re In, Zero or a Zillion
Aesop Rock programming, vocal, drums Captain Lou, Miami Advice, Reflections, The Library, Walk Like Thunder, Zero or a Zillion
Ben Kapp vocal, drums, guitar, percussion Driving Driving Driving, Miami Advice, Solid and Strong, The Library, Walk Like Thunder, You’re In
Olympia Free Choir vocal Miami Advice, Reflections, Same Shit / Complicated, Solid and Strong, The Library, Zero or a Zillion
Andrew Dorsett (member of indie-pop band, LAKE) piano Driving Driving Driving, Miami Advice, Same Shit / Complicated, Solid and Strong, Walk Like Thunder

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jason Carmer producer, vocal, bass All I Could Do, Captain Lou, Driving Driving Driving, I Like My Bike, Mare and the Bear, Miami Advice, Reflections, Same Shit / Complicated, Solid and Strong, The Library, Unrefined, Utopian Futures, Walk Like Thunder, Year 10, You’re In, Zero or a Zillion
Aesop Rock programming, vocal, drums Captain Lou, Miami Advice, Reflections, The Library, Walk Like Thunder, Zero or a Zillion
Ben Kapp vocal, drums, guitar, percussion Driving Driving Driving, Miami Advice, Solid and Strong, The Library, Walk Like Thunder, You’re In
Olympia Free Choir vocal Miami Advice, Reflections, Same Shit / Complicated, Solid and Strong, The Library, Zero or a Zillion
Andrew Dorsett (member of indie-pop band, LAKE) piano Driving Driving Driving, Miami Advice, Same Shit / Complicated, Solid and Strong, Walk Like Thunder
Angelo Spencer bass, drums, guitar, percussion Same Shit / Complicated, Walk Like Thunder, You’re In
Clyde Petersen vocal, effects, guitar Miami Advice, Same Shit / Complicated, Walk Like Thunder
John Darnielle vocal, guitar Solid and Strong, The Library, Zero or a Zillion
Panda Dawson-Duval vocal, percussion I Like My Bike, Mare and the Bear, Solid and Strong
Jonah Matranga vocal Driving Driving Driving, Solid and Strong
Allyson Baker (guitarist) guitar Captain Lou, The Library
McAlister Shea vocal I Like My Bike, Zero or a Zillion
Heather Dunn drums, timpani Miami Advice, Year 10
Pablo Das vocal, guitar Unrefined, Year 10
Stefanie Brendler French horn Mare and the Bear, Solid and Strong
Peter Dizozza piano Mare and the Bear, Reflections
Quinn Tuffinuff vocal Driving Driving Driving, Walk Like Thunder
Joey Seward synthesizer The Library
Dario Morbello vocal I Like My Bike
Eva Gheorghiu vocal Zero or a Zillion
Forever Young Senior Citizen Rock and Roll Choir vocal The Library
Gryffen Streeter vocal, drums I Like My Bike
Alicia Jo Rabins violin Driving Driving Driving
Jack Dishel vocal Miami Advice
Jamoca Brown vocal Captain Lou
Ben Lucal guitar Solid and Strong
Julie Montgomery vocal Driving Driving Driving
Kina Wolfenstein vocal Driving Driving Driving
Lani B'Shalom vocal Driving Driving Driving
Laurie Goldstein cello Solid and Strong
Leif Lee vocal Year 10
Malcolm Rollick vocal Year 10
Brian Sparhawk vocal, guitar Year 10
Murs vocal Zero or a Zillion
Nico Carmer vocal Mare and the Bear
Nikolai Fraiture bass Walk Like Thunder
Nyotni vocal Year 10
Bryan Danielson vocal Captain Lou
Catyana Pelham-Bush vocal Driving Driving Driving
Charlie Laroux vocal Year 10
Patrice Jetter vocal I Like My Bike
Chelsea Baker tin whistle Solid and Strong
Aaron Hartman bass Driving Driving Driving
Rheanna Murray accordion Mare and the Bear
Rye Carlin vocal Year 10
Cynthia Weiss vocal Driving Driving Driving
Thao Nguyen vocal Miami Advice
Zephyr Morris vocal I Like My Bike

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Aesop Rock vocal Crows 1, Racing Stripes
Ben Kweller vocal How It Should Be (Sha Sha)
Your Heart Breaks performer Torrey Pines
Third Eye Blind vocal Self Righteous