Kim Turner

guitar, piano, vocal, glockenspiel, drums, castanets, rototom, mix, snare drum, quijada, gong, recording, percussion, tambourine

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alternative TV
Sting (singer, songwriter & member of The Police)
Charles Simon drums Lop-Pow

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Charles Simon drums Lop-Pow

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alternative TV vocal, guitar, piano Action Time Vision, Alternatives, Another Coke, Good Times, Life After Dub, Life After Life, Love Lies Limp, Nasty Little Lonely, Red, Splitting in Two, Still Life, Viva la Rock 'n' Roll, Why Don’t You Do Me Right?
Mandalaband castanets, drums, glockenspiel, gong, percussion, quijada, rototom, snare drum, tambourine Dawn of a New Day, Departure From Carthilias, The Eye of Wendor
Sting mix, recording I Been Down So Long