Kevin Janosky

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Yosh Morita (member of Survive Said The Prophet) vocal Rise Above, scaPEGoat
飯室博 guitar Rise Above, scaPEGoat
相澤光紀 mix, recording Rise Above, scaPEGoat
山内優 (drummer) drums Rise Above, scaPEGoat
田辺トシノ bass Rise Above, scaPEGoat

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Yosh Morita (member of Survive Said The Prophet) vocal Rise Above, scaPEGoat
飯室博 guitar Rise Above, scaPEGoat
相澤光紀 mix, recording Rise Above, scaPEGoat
山内優 (drummer) drums Rise Above, scaPEGoat
田辺トシノ bass Rise Above, scaPEGoat
澤野弘之 arranger, producer, keyboard, other instruments, piano Rise Above, scaPEGoat
古川昌義 guitar scaPEGoat
村松俊亮 producer scaPEGoat
岸本俊一 producer scaPEGoat
堀口泰史 (Legendoor) producer scaPEGoat
鈴木翔 engineer scaPEGoat
桂田大助 producer scaPEGoat