Kent Kessler

bass, bass guitar, double bass, didgeridoo

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jet Set (Chris Antonio, Carina & Rene)
lemongirl (Alternative shoegaze)
red fish blue fish

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jet Set bass, bass guitar, didgeridoo Aila / 35 Basic, Dance of the Spider People, For MC, Hal the Weenie, Linda's Rock Vamp, Mars Theme, Monica's Having a Baby, Raining Violets, Temporarily, Ten Letters of Love
xrri double bass Barry K, Chicago Beer Coaster, Dick's Holler, Dog Nose in the Kitchen, L'Ago Freschio, Long Armed Woman, Melancholia, Sweet Zurzday, Ultramarine # 13
鈴木れい子 bass Cadmium Orange (For Francis Bacon), Cement (For Michael Haberz), Early Color (For Saul Leiter), Second Marker (For Ab Baars), Spiel (For Bertolt Brecht and Kurt Weill), Table, Skull and Bottles (For Bruno Johnson)
lemongirl bass Crest of the Wave, Something From Your Heart
red fish blue fish double bass The Suicide Suite