Ken Stewart


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Earl Hines and His Orchestra
Earl Hines

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Earl Hines and His Orchestra trombone A Mellow Bit of Rhythm, Blue Skies, Dominick Swing, Flany Doodle Swing, Goodnight, Sweet Dreams, Goodnight, Hines Rhythm, I Can't Believe That You're in Love With Me, Inspiration, Please Be Kind, Rhythm Rhapsody, Tippin' at the Terrace
Earl Hines trombone A Mellow Bit of Rhythm, Goodnight, Sweet Dreams, Goodnight (Alt Tk -2), Pianology, Rhythm Sundae, Rhythm Sundae (Alt Tk -2), Ridin' a Riff, Solid Mama, Solid Mama (Alt Tk -2)