

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jeff Searles vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Andreana Arganda vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Brent C. Helming vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Cherie Hampton vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Cindy Rethmeier vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jeff Searles vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Andreana Arganda vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Brent C. Helming vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Cherie Hampton vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Cindy Rethmeier vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Dave Hackbarth organ Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Dean Tapla bass Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Debby Smith-Tebay vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Don Salladin vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Donna Hampton vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Donna Olsen vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Frank Lenz drums Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Gino Freselli vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Janiece Hudgins piano Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Audra Freselli vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Joe Randeen vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
John Barnett (Vineyard leader) vocal, acoustic guitar Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
John Wyrosdick vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Larry Hampton (Vineyard) vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Leo Song vocal, bass Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Lois Hackbarth vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Loren Hartman vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Marianne Kleine vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Marie Barnett vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Marlisa Yace vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Matt Karnofel vocal Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Nathan Piorek electric guitar Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given
Shawn Tubbs electric guitar Arise, Breathe, Faintly, Hold Me, Holy One, So Much You Have Given