Karim Ziad

gumbri, producer, drums, bendir, other instruments, vocal, tabla, cymbals, performer

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Renaud Garcia-Fons
Nguyên Lê
Hương Thanh
Vince Mendoza

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Renaud Garcia-Fons gumbri Alto País, Alto País (Introduction), Bolbol, Chokr, Fuí Piedra, Mohabbat, Monajat (Le temps ne revient pas), Navigatore, Sahari, Tavakkol, Ultimo Fandango, Vagabundo, Wadi Rum, Wadi Rum (Introduction)
Nguyên Lê performer, producer, drums Constantine, FunkRai, Guinia, Ifrikyia, L'Arkha Li Jeya, Louanges, Nesraf, Nora, Sunshine of Your Love, Whole Lotta Love, Yhadik Allah
Hương Thanh vocal, cymbals, gumbri, tabla One River, Two Streams (Sâm Huê Tinh), The Mountain and the Source
Vince Mendoza drums Shekere
林隆宏 bendir, other instruments Tanguillo nuevo