Kaigal-ool Khovalyg

vocal, igil, doshpuluur, jew's harp, chanzy, whistle

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Cosmic Vampires
Kronos Quartet

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Cosmic Vampires vocal, chanzy, doshpuluur, igil, jew's harp, whistle Avam Churtu Dugayimny (Dugai, The Land of My Mother), Bai‐Taiga, Bayan Dugai, Chadaana, Ching Söörtükchülerining Yryzy ("Song of the Caravan Drivers"), Chylandyk, Dadyr‐Todur, Dangyna, Deke-Jo, Don’t Frighten the Crane, Dyngyldai, Dönen‐Shilgi, Erge‐Shölee Biste Turda, Eshten Charlyyry Berge ("It's hard to be parted from a friend"), Ezertep-le Bereyin Be (Do You Want Me to Saddle You?), Ezir-Kara, Fantasy on the Igil, Hayang (name of a hunter), Highland Tune, Kargyraa, Khöömei ("throat-singing"), Kombu, Kongurei, Live Recording: Anatoly and Kaigal-ool riding horses in Eleges while singing sygyt (Anatoli), kargyraa and xöömei (Kaigal-ool), Mezhegei, Orai‐la Boldu‐la, Sagly Khadyn Turu-la Boor (It's Probably Windy on Sagly Steppe), Samagaltai, Sarala, Shaldyg‐Xaya, Song of a Lonely Man, Sygyt: "Lament of the Igil", Taraan‐Taraam, Tarlaashkyn, Tozhular Yry, Tuvan Internationale, Xöömeyimny Kagbas-la Men (I Will Not Abandon My Xöömei), Öske Cherde ("Foreign Land")
Kronos Quartet vocal, doshpuluur, igil Uleg‐Khem