Justin Kopoulos


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Paranoia (Portuguese Thrash Metal band from Leiria)
山口朗彦 arranger Taste of Paradise, Taste of Paradise (off vocal ver.)
河合英嗣 arranger YELL~ホイッスルはその胸に~, YELL~ホイッスルはその胸に~ (off vocal ver.)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
山口朗彦 arranger Taste of Paradise, Taste of Paradise (off vocal ver.)
河合英嗣 arranger YELL~ホイッスルはその胸に~, YELL~ホイッスルはその胸に~ (off vocal ver.)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Paranoia producer 2 Live, Be As It May, God’s Greens, Gunk Nuggets, Hit That Road