Joshua Grange

guitar, acoustic guitar, bass, pedal steel guitar, mandolin, dobro, electric guitar, organ, vocal, ukulele, baritone guitar, percussion

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Eleni Mandell
Conor Oberst
Victoria Williams

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Eleni Mandell acoustic guitar, baritone guitar, bass, dobro, electric guitar, guitar, mandolin Another Lonely Heart, Blue Ribbon Eyes, Don't Say You Care, Don't Touch Me, Home, I've Got a Tender Heart, Iowa City, It's Raining, Kingsport Town, Refrain, Tell Me Twice, You're All Bad (And That's Why You've Been Invited!)
Conor Oberst pedal steel guitar Hundreds of Ways, Lonely at the Top, Night at Lake Unknown
Victoria Williams vocal, bass, guitar, organ, percussion, ukulele Since I've Laid My Burden Down