Jori Sjöroos

arranger, vocal, drums, mix, keyboard, guitar, producer, remixer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Burning Hearts

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
PMMP arranger, vocal Etkö ymmärrä, Hyljätty nukke, Hyvin hiljaa, Ihahaa, Jeesus ei tule oletko valmis, Jospas minä kissan saisin, Katinka, Koko show, Kumivirsi, Lörpötys, Magdaleena, Minä soitan harmonikkaa, Mustan kissan tango, Neljä kissanpoikaa, Pikku Lauri, Pikkuveli, Puuhevonen, Suojelusenkeli, Toivo, Täti Monika
Burning Hearts mix Burn Burn Burn, Deep Waters, Into the Wilderness, Love and Dissonance, Modern Times, On the last Day of the Decade, The Beast, The Swallows, Trade Winds
Thergothon vocal, drums, guitar, keyboard Crying Blood + Crimson Snow, Dancing in the Realm of Shades, Elemental, Everlasting, Evoken, The Twilight Fade, The Unknown Kadath in the Cold Waste, Who Rides the Astral Wings, Yet the Watchers Guard
Fu-Tourist producer, remixer King Kong of the Dance Floor, King Kong of the Dance Floor (Sugar Vision remix)