Jonathan Coulton

performer, vocal, guitar, misc

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Devin Eke mix Baby Got Back, Chiron Beta Prime, Code Monkey, Creepy Doll, First of May, I Crush Everything, I Feel Fantastic, Ikea, I’m Your Moon, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, Mandelbrot Set, Mr. Fancy Pants, Re: Your Brains, Shop Vac, Skullcrusher Mountain, Still Alive, Talk With George, The Future Soon, Tom Cruise Crazy, You Ruined Everything
Paul Tumulo recording Baby Got Back, Chiron Beta Prime, Code Monkey, Creepy Doll, First of May, I Crush Everything, I Feel Fantastic, Ikea, I’m Your Moon, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, Mandelbrot Set, Mr. Fancy Pants, Re: Your Brains, Shop Vac, Skullcrusher Mountain, Still Alive, Talk With George, The Future Soon, Tom Cruise Crazy, You Ruined Everything
John Flansburgh producer Alone at Home, Artificial Heart, Dissolve, Down Today, Fraud, Glasses, Good Morning Tucson, Je suis Rick Springfield, Nemeses, Nobody Loves You Like Me, Now I Am an Arsonist, Sticking It to Myself, Still Alive, Sucker Punch, The Stache, The World Belongs to You, Today With Your Wife, Want You Gone (Elegant Too remix)
Brad Sucks
Paul and Storm

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Devin Eke mix Baby Got Back, Chiron Beta Prime, Code Monkey, Creepy Doll, First of May, I Crush Everything, I Feel Fantastic, Ikea, I’m Your Moon, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, Mandelbrot Set, Mr. Fancy Pants, Re: Your Brains, Shop Vac, Skullcrusher Mountain, Still Alive, Talk With George, The Future Soon, Tom Cruise Crazy, You Ruined Everything
Paul Tumulo recording Baby Got Back, Chiron Beta Prime, Code Monkey, Creepy Doll, First of May, I Crush Everything, I Feel Fantastic, Ikea, I’m Your Moon, Kenesaw Mountain Landis, Mandelbrot Set, Mr. Fancy Pants, Re: Your Brains, Shop Vac, Skullcrusher Mountain, Still Alive, Talk With George, The Future Soon, Tom Cruise Crazy, You Ruined Everything
John Flansburgh producer Alone at Home, Artificial Heart, Dissolve, Down Today, Fraud, Glasses, Good Morning Tucson, Je suis Rick Springfield, Nemeses, Nobody Loves You Like Me, Now I Am an Arsonist, Sticking It to Myself, Still Alive, Sucker Punch, The Stache, The World Belongs to You, Today With Your Wife, Want You Gone (Elegant Too remix)
John Roderick vocal Nemeses
Sara Quin vocal Still Alive
Suzanne Vega vocal Now I Am an Arsonist
The Elegant Too remixer Want You Gone (Elegant Too remix)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Brad Sucks vocal Out of It
Paul and Storm vocal, guitar Gowanus Canal
미소 misc Starlightlicker