Johnathan Meyer


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Christina Högman vocal Can Shee Excuse My Wrongs, Deare, If You Change, Faine Would I Wed, Faire If You Expect Admiring, Faire, Sweet, Cruell, Farewell Unkind Farewell, Greensleeves, Harke All You Ladies, His Golden Locks, In Darkness Let Mee Dwell, Like as the Lute, My Love Hath Vow'd, Rest Sweey Nimphs, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, The Peacefull Western Winde
Jakob Lindberg (lutenist) lute Can Shee Excuse My Wrongs, Deare, If You Change, Faine Would I Wed, Faire If You Expect Admiring, Faire, Sweet, Cruell, Farewell Unkind Farewell, Greensleeves, Harke All You Ladies, His Golden Locks, In Darkness Let Mee Dwell, Like as the Lute, My Love Hath Vow'd, Rest Sweey Nimphs, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, The Peacefull Western Winde
Jean-Luc Ponty

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Christina Högman vocal Can Shee Excuse My Wrongs, Deare, If You Change, Faine Would I Wed, Faire If You Expect Admiring, Faire, Sweet, Cruell, Farewell Unkind Farewell, Greensleeves, Harke All You Ladies, His Golden Locks, In Darkness Let Mee Dwell, Like as the Lute, My Love Hath Vow'd, Rest Sweey Nimphs, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, The Peacefull Western Winde
Jakob Lindberg (lutenist) lute Can Shee Excuse My Wrongs, Deare, If You Change, Faine Would I Wed, Faire If You Expect Admiring, Faire, Sweet, Cruell, Farewell Unkind Farewell, Greensleeves, Harke All You Ladies, His Golden Locks, In Darkness Let Mee Dwell, Like as the Lute, My Love Hath Vow'd, Rest Sweey Nimphs, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, The Peacefull Western Winde

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jean-Luc Ponty flute Music for Electric Violin and Low Budget Orchestra