John Eckert

trumpet, flugelhorn

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jimmy Heath
Lee Konitz Nonet
Leon Thomas

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jimmy Heath trumpet Cta, Ellington’s Stray Horn, Forever Sonny, Gingerbread Boy, The Voice of the Saxophone (From the Afro-American Suite of Evolution), Trane Connections, Two Friends, Without You, No Me
Lee Konitz Nonet flugelhorn, trumpet April, Matrix, Moon Dreams, Times Lie, Who You, Without a Song
秋吉敏子ジャズ・オーケストラ trumpet Hiroshima - Rising From the Abyss: I. Futility-Tragedy, Hiroshima - Rising From the Abyss: II. Survivor Tales, Hiroshima - Rising From the Abyss: III. Hope, Long Yellow Road, Wishing Peace
Leon Thomas trumpet Let's Go Down to Lucy, Love Each Other