John Eccles

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Leigh Nixon vocal My man John - A Riddle, So well Corinna like the joy
Alfred Deller conductor Wine Does Wonders
Anneke Pols viola da gamba So well Corinna like the joy
Deller Consort vocal Wine Does Wonders
Lena-Liis Kiesel harpsichord So well Corinna like the joy

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Leigh Nixon vocal My man John - A Riddle, So well Corinna like the joy
Alfred Deller conductor Wine Does Wonders
Anneke Pols viola da gamba So well Corinna like the joy
Deller Consort vocal Wine Does Wonders
Lena-Liis Kiesel harpsichord So well Corinna like the joy
Paul Elliott (US tenor vocalist, member of Theatre of Voices) vocal My man John - A Riddle
Paul Hillier vocal My man John - A Riddle