Johan Van Roy

vocal, remixer, performer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Suicide Commando (Johan Van Roy)
Plastic Noise Experience
Denizen (Stoner from France)
Psyclon Nine
Tactical Sekt

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Suicide Commando vocal Body Bag, Close Your Eyes ('93 version), Crawling in Pain, Down on Your Knees, E.C.T., How It Feels, Human Contact, Incinerate, Into the Grave, Necrophilia, Resistance, Sheer Horror, Symptoms of Death, Time, Traumatize, Where Are You Now?, Without Regret, Wonderful Machines
Plastic Noise Experience remixer Plastik Fantastik (Suicide Commando remix), Zu nah (Suicide Commando remix)
Denizen vocal Jaws
Psyclon Nine vocal Soulless (The Makers Reflection)
Tactical Sekt performer Damage Limitation