Joe Duddell

orchestrator, chorus master, conductor

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Brittany Pogue
Jon Mikkelson
Diane Thome

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Elbow chorus master Dear Friends, Lippy Kids, Open Arms, The Birds (reprise), The River, With Love
Brittany Pogue orchestrator Dust Clears, New Eyes, Outro Movement III
Jon Mikkelson orchestrator Extraordinary, Rihanna, Up Again
Diane Thome orchestrator Birch, UK Shanty
Cadavreski conductor Symphony 2808
Dylan Brown orchestrator Telephone Banking
New Order conductor Tutti Frutti (Tom Rowlands remix)
Renate Jatzeck orchestrator Rather Be
Steffi Wolf orchestrator A&E
Thomas Roloff orchestrator Nightingale