Jeremy S.H. Griffith

producer, recording, mix, vocal, guitars, sound, bass, drums, percussion, piano, guitar, organ

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Norma Jean (Metalcore band)
Fighting for Alaska

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Norma Jean mix, producer, recording, vocal, guitar, organ, piano A Media Friendly Turn for the Worse, Bastardizer, Blood Burner, Deathbed Atheist, Everlasting Tapeworm, Falling From the Sky: Day Seven, High Noise Low Output, Innocent Bystanders United / Oriental, Leaderless and Self Enlisted, Occidental, Septentrional, The Anthem of the Angry Brides, The People That Surround You on a Regular Basis
Fighting for Alaska producer Caught Dreaming