Jean Hotteterre

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Masayoshi Minoshima arranger Force of Sixty Years, Interlude, Mooned Insect, Necro Fantasia (progressiv remix), a ground cherry, a winter cherry.
アツシオハラ arranger Evolve 60, Stratosphere
矢鴇つかさ arranger Reactor, Starlight Vision
ビートまりお arranger Judgment Days
三澤秋 vocal Starlight Vision

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Masayoshi Minoshima arranger Force of Sixty Years, Interlude, Mooned Insect, Necro Fantasia (progressiv remix), a ground cherry, a winter cherry.
アツシオハラ arranger Evolve 60, Stratosphere
矢鴇つかさ arranger Reactor, Starlight Vision
ビートまりお arranger Judgment Days
三澤秋 vocal Starlight Vision
愛新覚羅溥儀 arranger Heart Queen
男気SOUND'S arranger Stem of Radiant