Jason Byron

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Fasther (Spanish MC) vocal Azufre State of Mind, Contaminao (Nu version), Intro, Me llaman loco, Pop Dat (High version), Tragedy
Fredd Murray (Spanish hip hop producer) mix, producer, recording Azufre State of Mind, Contaminao (Nu version), Intro, Me llaman loco, Pop Dat (High version), Tragedy

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Fasther (Spanish MC) vocal Azufre State of Mind, Contaminao (Nu version), Intro, Me llaman loco, Pop Dat (High version), Tragedy
Fredd Murray (Spanish hip hop producer) mix, producer, recording Azufre State of Mind, Contaminao (Nu version), Intro, Me llaman loco, Pop Dat (High version), Tragedy