Jason Buntz
mix, engineer, recording, producer
Top collaborators
Artist name
Ringo Deathstarr
Lil' Big
Work on other artists' recordings
Artist name
Ringo Deathstarr
engineer, mix, producer
Chloe, Day Dreamy, Do It Every Time, Down on You, Imagine Hearts, In Love, Kaleidoscope, Never Drive, Other Things, Rats Live on No Evil Star, So High, Some Kind of Sad, Starrsha, Summertime, Sweet Girl, Swirly, Tambourine Girl, Two Girls, You Don't Listen, Your Town
Lil' Big
engineer, mix, recording
Cover the Days Like a Tidal Wave, Ebb Away, Fall of the Empire, Introduction: “Let’s Experiment”, Pure Radio Cosplay, Pure Radio Cosplay (reprise), Summer of All Dead Souls, Tao of the Dead, Part II: Strange News From Another Planet: I. Know Your Honor / II. Rule by Being Just / III. The Ship Impossible / IV. Strange Epiphany / V. Racing and Hunting, The Fairlight Pendant, The Far Pavilions, The Giants Causeway, The Spiral Jetty, The Wasteland, Weight of the Sun (Or the Post-Modern Prometheus)