Jane Henschel


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Giuseppe Verdi (Italian opera composer)
Alpha (French rap)
Dust (Alabama rock band, later renamed Leaderdog)
Gustav Mahler
My Enemies & I

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Giuseppe Verdi vocal Falstaff: Act I: Part 2 - "Alice. Meg. Nannetta" (Meg, Alice, Quickly, Nannetta), Falstaff: Act I: Part 2 - "Del tuo barbaro diagnostico" (Dr Cajus, Pistola, Ford, Bardolfo, Fenton, Alice, Meg, Nannetta, Quickly), Falstaff: Act I: Part 2 - "In due parole" (Pistola, Dr Cajus, Ford, Bardolfo, Fenton, Nannetta, Alice, Meg, Quickly), Falstaff: Act I: Part 2 - "Leggi. Fulgida Alice!" (Meg, Alice, Quickly, Nannetta), Falstaff: Act I: Part 2 - "Mostro!" (Alice, Nannetta, Quickly, Meg, Dr Cajus, Bardolfo, Ford, Pistola, Fenton), Falstaff: Act I: Part 2 - "Pst, pst, Nannetta" (Fenton, Nannetta, Alice, Meg, Quickly), Falstaff: Act II: Part 1 - "Siam pentiti e contriti." (Bardolfo, Pistola, Falstaff, Quickly), Falstaff: Act II: Part 2 - "Gaie comari de Windsor" (Alice, Quickly, Nannetta, Meg), Falstaff: Act II: Part 2 - "Presenteremo un bill" (Alice, Quickly, Meg, Nannetta), Falstaff: Act II: Part 2 - "Quand'ero paggio" (Falstaff, Alice, Quickly, Meg, Ford, Bardolfo, Pistola), Falstaff: Act II: Part 2 - "Tutto delira" (Nannetta, Fenton, Ford, Bardolfo, Dr Cajus, Pistola, Meg, Quickly, Nannetta, Falstaff), Falstaff: Act III: Part 1 - "Il Cacciatorre nero" (Quickly, Falstaff, Ford, Nannetta, Meg, Alice, Fenton), Falstaff: Act III: Part 1 - "Reverenza" (Quickly, Falstaff), Falstaff: Act III: Part 1 - "Sarai la Fata" (Alice, Nannetta, Meg, Fenton, Dr Cajus, Quickly), Falstaff: Act III: Part 2 - "Alto la!" (Bardolfo, Pistola, Falstaff, Quickly, Alice, Meg, Nannetta, Fate, Ford, Imps), Falstaff: Act III: Part 2 - "Dal labbro il canto estasiato vola" (Fenton, Nannetta, Alice, Quickly, Meg), Falstaff: Act III: Part 2 - "Pizzica, pizzica" (Alice, Quickly, Meg, Falstaff, Dr Cajus, Ford, Pistola, Bardolfo, Coro)
Alpha vocal Symphony No. 8: II. Teil. Schlußszene aus “Faust”
Dust vocal Il tabarro: "È ben altro il mio sogno!"
Gustav Mahler vocal Symphony No. 8: I. Teil, Hymnus. Veni, creator spiritus
My Enemies & I vocal Il tabarro: "Hai ben ragione"
The Dream The Chase vocal Il tabarro: "To'! guarda la mia vecchia!"
Through the Crowd vocal Il tabarro: "O eterni innamorati"