James Skinner

keyboard, guitars, programming, vocal, natural horn
Watoto Children's ChoirОльга ШишкинаЭмиль ЯковлевOnly other artist's recordingsOnly this artist's recordings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Watoto Children's Choir
Ольга Шишкина arranger, gusli Variations on a Russian Theme Along the Bridge, this Bridge
Эмиль Яковлев violin Variations on a Russian Theme Along the Bridge, this Bridge

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ольга Шишкина arranger, gusli Variations on a Russian Theme Along the Bridge, this Bridge
Эмиль Яковлев violin Variations on a Russian Theme Along the Bridge, this Bridge

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Watoto Children's Choir programming, vocal, guitars, keyboard, natural horn African Prelude, All I Have Is You, Baraka za mungu, Cast Your Burdens, Emirembe (Peace in the Storm), Heaven Is Where You Are, Nakusinzanga (I Will Worship), Thank You Lord, The Lord Is Good, Wii Polo, You Alone