James Hornsey

bass, Hammond organ
The ClienteleBartłomiej WąsikEmilia SitarzMarcin DomżałOnly other artist's recordingsOnly this artist's recordings

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Clientele
Bartłomiej Wąsik piano Let's Meet: I., Let's Meet: II., Let's Meet: III., Let's Meet: IV.
Emilia Sitarz piano Let's Meet: I., Let's Meet: II., Let's Meet: III., Let's Meet: IV.
Marcin Domżał sound Let's Meet: I., Let's Meet: II., Let's Meet: III., Let's Meet: IV.

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bartłomiej Wąsik piano Let's Meet: I., Let's Meet: II., Let's Meet: III., Let's Meet: IV.
Emilia Sitarz piano Let's Meet: I., Let's Meet: II., Let's Meet: III., Let's Meet: IV.
Marcin Domżał sound Let's Meet: I., Let's Meet: II., Let's Meet: III., Let's Meet: IV.

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Clientele Hammond organ, bass Bookshop Casanova, Carnival on 7th Street, Dreams of Leaving, From Brighton Beach to Santa Monica, Here Comes the Phantom, I Hope I Know You, Isn't Life Strange?, No Dreams Last Night, Somebody Changed, The Dance of the Hours, The Garden at Night, The Queen of Seville, These Days Nothing But Sunshine, Winter on Victoria Street