Jake Schultz

bass guitar

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Norma Jean (Metalcore band)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Norma Jean bass guitar ...Discipline Your Daughters, A Media Friendly Turn for the Worse, And There Will Be a Swarm of Hornets, Bastardizer, Birth of the Anti Mother, Blood Burner, Death of the Anti Mother, Deathbed Atheist, Everlasting Tapeworm, Falling From the Sky: Day Seven, High Noise Low Output, Innocent Bystanders United / Oriental, Leaderless and Self Enlisted, Murphy Was an Optimist, Opposite of Left and Wrong, Robots 3 Humans 0, Self Employed Chemist, Septentrional, Surrender Your Sons..., The Anthem of the Angry Brides, The People That Surround You on a Regular Basis, Vipers, Snakes, and Actors