Jake Johnson

mix, producer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Cajun Strangers
Domotic performer Pur Glace

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Domotic performer Pur Glace

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Cajun Strangers mix, producer 'Tit monde, Alberta, Attrapez-moi mon chapeau, Blue Runner, Cajun Country Ramble, Chez Seychelles, Chère 'tit monde, Chère tout tout, Eunice Two Step / Rêve du Diable, Frugé's Reel / Choupique Two Step, J'aimerais connaître, Keep Your Hands Off of It, La valse d'la manche, La valse de Grands Chemins, Ma femme ma quitte, My True Love, Parléz nous à boire, Petit robe courte, Pine Grove Blues, Saute crapaud, Ton papa m'a jeté dehors, Waltz of Regret