Jack Montrose

tenor saxophone, arranger

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Chet Baker
Art Pepper
Annabelle Hill
Dan Horne

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Chet Baker arranger, tenor saxophone A Dandy Line, A Dandy Line (alternate take), Bockhanal, Bockhanal (alternate take), Dots Groovy, Ergo, Goodbye, Goodbye (alternate take), Headline, Little Man (You've Had a Busy Day), Little Old Lady, Little Old Lady (alternate take), Moonlight Becomes You, Moonlight Becomes You (alternate take), Pro Defunctus
Art Pepper tenor saxophone Art's Oregano, Cinnamon, Deep Purple, Nutmeg, Straight Life, The Way You Look Tonight, Thyme Time, What's New
Annabelle Hill tenor saxophone Early Morning Smog, Jazz City, Montrose, Sweet Saxophones, The Mouse Hop, Two Visitors
Dan Horne tenor saxophone At Home With the Sweets, Blues Express, Pay the Piper, Pink Squrrel