Ivan Pavlovich


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Daniel Lewis
Jacob Christoffersen producer, piano All of You, Apology, Everything I Love, Facing the Sun, Fenster and McManus, Homecoming, On the Horizon, Remembering, Sing Song, Transformation Game
Jesper Bodilsen bass All of You, Apology, Everything I Love, Facing the Sun, Fenster and McManus, Homecoming, On the Horizon, Remembering, Sing Song, Transformation Game
Jonas Johansen drums All of You, Apology, Everything I Love, Facing the Sun, Fenster and McManus, Homecoming, On the Horizon, Remembering, Sing Song, Transformation Game

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jacob Christoffersen producer, piano All of You, Apology, Everything I Love, Facing the Sun, Fenster and McManus, Homecoming, On the Horizon, Remembering, Sing Song, Transformation Game
Jesper Bodilsen bass All of You, Apology, Everything I Love, Facing the Sun, Fenster and McManus, Homecoming, On the Horizon, Remembering, Sing Song, Transformation Game
Jonas Johansen drums All of You, Apology, Everything I Love, Facing the Sun, Fenster and McManus, Homecoming, On the Horizon, Remembering, Sing Song, Transformation Game

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Daniel Lewis producer (Sounds Kind of) Fruity, A Bit of an Awkward Situation, A Haze of Patriotic Fervor, A Legitimate Business Man, A Lonely Man, Chop the Dog, Fresh Meat, Hillbilly Crank Dealers’ Blues, His Mentor, Impotent Rage / Am I Being Clear Now?, Los Santos at Night, Minor Turbulence, Mr. Trevor Philips, No Happy Endings, North Yankton Memories, Rich Man’s Plaything, The Agency Heist, The Grip, Therapy and Other Hobbies, We Were Set Up, Welcome to Los Santos (outro), You Forget a Thousand Things