Isabelle Catherine


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Академический ансамбль песни и пляски Российской Армии имени А. В. Александрова vocal A Birch-tree in a Field did Stand, Along Peter's Street, Bandura, Far Away, Kalinka, Oh, No! John, Snow Flakes, Song of Youth, The Decembrists: Soldiers Chorus, Tipperary, Ukranian Poem, Volga Boat Song, You are Always Beautiful
Борис Александрович Александров conductor A Birch-tree in a Field did Stand, Along Peter's Street, Bandura, Far Away, Kalinka, Oh, No! John, Snow Flakes, Song of Youth, The Decembrists: Soldiers Chorus, Tipperary, Ukranian Poem, Volga Boat Song, You are Always Beautiful
Philip Catherine (Belgian jazz guitarist)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

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Академический ансамбль песни и пляски Российской Армии имени А. В. Александрова vocal A Birch-tree in a Field did Stand, Along Peter's Street, Bandura, Far Away, Kalinka, Oh, No! John, Snow Flakes, Song of Youth, The Decembrists: Soldiers Chorus, Tipperary, Ukranian Poem, Volga Boat Song, You are Always Beautiful
Борис Александрович Александров conductor A Birch-tree in a Field did Stand, Along Peter's Street, Bandura, Far Away, Kalinka, Oh, No! John, Snow Flakes, Song of Youth, The Decembrists: Soldiers Chorus, Tipperary, Ukranian Poem, Volga Boat Song, You are Always Beautiful

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Philip Catherine vocal Côté jardin