
Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Robert Reed (Magenta) acoustic guitar, bass, electric guitar, mandolin, melodica, piano, recorder, synthesizer A Moment of Clarity, Alone, Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Il tempo è giunto, Lilly, Lost, Mercy of the Sea, One Small Step, Reunion, Sole Survivor, The Storm
Steve Balsamo vocal A Moment of Clarity, Alone, Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Lost, Mercy of the Sea, One Small Step, Reunion, Sole Survivor, The Storm
Gavin Harrison drums A Moment of Clarity, Alone, Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Lost, Mercy of the Sea, One Small Step, Reunion, Sole Survivor, The Storm
Troy Donockley uilleann pipes Alone, Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Lost, Mercy of the Sea, Reunion, The Storm
Synergy (vocal ensemble) vocal Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Il tempo è giunto, Lost, Sole Survivor, The Storm

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Robert Reed (Magenta) acoustic guitar, bass, electric guitar, mandolin, melodica, piano, recorder, synthesizer A Moment of Clarity, Alone, Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Il tempo è giunto, Lilly, Lost, Mercy of the Sea, One Small Step, Reunion, Sole Survivor, The Storm
Steve Balsamo vocal A Moment of Clarity, Alone, Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Lost, Mercy of the Sea, One Small Step, Reunion, Sole Survivor, The Storm
Gavin Harrison drums A Moment of Clarity, Alone, Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Lost, Mercy of the Sea, One Small Step, Reunion, Sole Survivor, The Storm
Troy Donockley uilleann pipes Alone, Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Lost, Mercy of the Sea, Reunion, The Storm
Synergy (vocal ensemble) vocal Beneath the Waves, Exordium, Il tempo è giunto, Lost, Sole Survivor, The Storm
Angharad Brinn vocal Exordium, Lilly, Lost, Reunion, The Storm
English Chamber Choir vocal Alone, Il tempo è giunto, Lost, The Storm
Steffan Rhys Williams vocal A Moment of Clarity, Mercy of the Sea, One Small Step, Sole Survivor
Guy Protheroe conductor Alone, Il tempo è giunto, Lost, The Storm
Helina Rees violin Alone, Beneath the Waves, Reunion, The Storm
Chris Fry (Welsh guitarist) electric guitar, nylon guitar Reunion, Sole Survivor, The Storm
Neil Taylor (guitarist) electric guitar, guitar A Moment of Clarity, Beneath the Waves, Lost
Hywel Maggs (Production music composer) electric guitar, guitar Lost, Mercy of the Sea, The Storm
Shân Cothi vocal Alone, Exordium, Lost
John Mitchell (Engineer at The Outhouse) electric guitar, guitar A Moment of Clarity, The Storm
Magda Pietraszewska (cellist) cello Lilly, Sole Survivor
Mel Collins saxophone A Moment of Clarity, Beneath the Waves
Nick Barrett electric guitar Exordium, Sole Survivor
BJ Cole pedal steel guitar Exordium, Reunion
Jakko Jakszyk electric guitar One Small Step, The Storm
Guy Harris vocal Exordium, Reunion
Barry Kerr vocal, whistle, wind instruments Reunion, The Storm
Francis Dunnery guitar Mercy of the Sea
Karla Powell oboe Exordium
Nick Beggs Chapman stick Beneath the Waves
Craig MacDonald French horn Lost
Steve Hackett nylon guitar Lilly
Rhys Meirion vocal Il tempo è giunto
Tesni Jones vocal A Moment of Clarity
Christina Booth vocal Beneath the Waves