Hervé Cavelier

strings, violin, soprano violin

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Charlie Haden Quartet West
Agnès Jaoui y el quintet oficial
Thomas Fersen
Erik Satie (French composer)
Mindwalker (Mirco Abete, techno hardcore)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Charlie Haden Quartet West strings Detour Ahead, Here's Looking at You, Now Is the Hour (Haere Ra - Māori farewell song), Requiem, The Left Hand of God, There in a Dream, When Tomorrow Comes
Agnès Jaoui y el quintet oficial violin Dans mon pays, Olhos nos olhos
Thomas Fersen violin Rititi ratata (il paraît qu'elles aiment), Saint-Jean-du-Doigt
Erik Satie soprano violin Trois Morceaux en forme de poire : En plus
Mindwalker violin Sur le pont de l'Alma mía