Heinrich Koll


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Burnt Colonels
Cremated Souls
North Black
Narumi With Makoto

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Burnt Colonels viola Märchenerzählungen for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, op. 132: Lebhaft und sehr markiert, Märchenerzählungen for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, op. 132: Lebhaft, nicht zu schnell, Märchenerzählungen for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, op. 132: Lebhaft, sehr markiert - etwas ruhiges Tempo, Märchenerzählungen for Clarinet, Viola and Piano, op. 132: Ruhiges Tempo, mit zartem Ausdruck
Cremated Souls viola Duo for Viola and Cello in E flat major, WoO 32, "With Two Eyeglasses": Allegro, Duo for Viola and Cello in E flat major, WoO 32, "With Two Eyeglasses": Minuetto: Allegretto
North Black viola Lachrymae, op. 48, "Reflections on a song by Dowland for Viola and Piano", Sonata for Viola and Piano no. 4, op. 11
Narumi With Makoto viola Passacaglia for Violin and Viola