Heather Alexander

vocal, performer, arranger

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bob Kanefsky
Leslie Fish
DJ Harsh (Italian hip hop)
Ernie Mansfield instrument arranger Arafel's Lament, Choices

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ernie Mansfield instrument arranger Arafel's Lament, Choices
Wicked Tinkers performer March of Cambreadth (feat. The Wicked Tinkers)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bob Kanefsky performer Creature in the Wood, December of Cambreadth, Doppel-entendre, Shapes in Shadow, Sing in the Circle, Something's Under the Bed, White Unicorn II
Leslie Fish vocal Better Than Who?, Eyes of Eagles, Freedom of the Snow, Hello! Remember Us?, The Digwell Carol
DJ Harsh arranger, vocal Good Ship Manatee, New Sins for Old, Spacer's Home
Phoenyx vocal Black Unicorn