Harry Cox


Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Peter Kennedy (co-author Classic Ballads Of Britain And Ireland) recording A-going to Widdliecombe Fair, Barton Waltz, Blackberry Fold, Charming and Delightful, Firelock Stile, Georgie (Geordie), Henry the Poacher, Hunger and Pay, Jack Tar on Shore, My Father at Sea, Nelson's Monument, On Board of the Kangaroo, On Yon Lofty Mountain, Singing in Public Houses, Sweet William, Talk and Melodeon Pieces, The Crocodile, The Foggy Dew, The Knife in the Window, The Long Peggin' Awl, The Maid of Australia, The Pretty Ploughboy, The Soldier and Sailor's Prayer, The Spotted Cow, The Turkish Lady, The Yarmouth Fishermen's Songs, Three Toasts, Two Hornpipes: Yarmouth and Meg Merilees, Up to the Present I Ain't Forgot Anything Yet, Up to the Rigs of London Town, Young and Growing
Alan Lomax recording Adieu to Old Eng-e-land Here's Adieu, Babbing for Eels, Barton Broad Babbing Ballad, Firelock Stile, How My Father Learned Songs, I Used to Go Along of Him, Learning From my Father, London Is as Sharp as the Edge of a Knife, My Grandfather and My Father, My Life, My Mother, My Upbringing, Poaching, She Never Had Time to Sit Down, The Barley Straw, The Farmer's Servant, The Harvest, The Knife in the Window, The Long Peggin' Awl, The Maid of Australia, The Old Songs, Three Toasts, What Will Become of England?, Windy Old Weather, Working in a Gang
Shalom (Steve Harper)
Tuomas Kyrö

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Peter Kennedy (co-author Classic Ballads Of Britain And Ireland) recording A-going to Widdliecombe Fair, Barton Waltz, Blackberry Fold, Charming and Delightful, Firelock Stile, Georgie (Geordie), Henry the Poacher, Hunger and Pay, Jack Tar on Shore, My Father at Sea, Nelson's Monument, On Board of the Kangaroo, On Yon Lofty Mountain, Singing in Public Houses, Sweet William, Talk and Melodeon Pieces, The Crocodile, The Foggy Dew, The Knife in the Window, The Long Peggin' Awl, The Maid of Australia, The Pretty Ploughboy, The Soldier and Sailor's Prayer, The Spotted Cow, The Turkish Lady, The Yarmouth Fishermen's Songs, Three Toasts, Two Hornpipes: Yarmouth and Meg Merilees, Up to the Present I Ain't Forgot Anything Yet, Up to the Rigs of London Town, Young and Growing
Alan Lomax recording Adieu to Old Eng-e-land Here's Adieu, Babbing for Eels, Barton Broad Babbing Ballad, Firelock Stile, How My Father Learned Songs, I Used to Go Along of Him, Learning From my Father, London Is as Sharp as the Edge of a Knife, My Grandfather and My Father, My Life, My Mother, My Upbringing, Poaching, She Never Had Time to Sit Down, The Barley Straw, The Farmer's Servant, The Harvest, The Knife in the Window, The Long Peggin' Awl, The Maid of Australia, The Old Songs, Three Toasts, What Will Become of England?, Windy Old Weather, Working in a Gang

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Shalom vocal The Gypsie Laddie
Tuomas Kyrö vocal The Cuckold's Song (Our Goodman)