Harald Grosskopf

drums, programming, arranger, percussion, producer

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Graeme Durham mastering 1847 - Earth, B. Aldrian, Emphasis, So Weit, So Gut, Synthesist, Tai Ki, Transcendental Overdrive, Trauma
17 Hippies
The Ambush (German techno producer Oliver Lieb)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Graeme Durham mastering 1847 - Earth, B. Aldrian, Emphasis, So Weit, So Gut, Synthesist, Tai Ki, Transcendental Overdrive, Trauma

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
17 Hippies drums, percussion Yèkèrmo sèw
The Ambush arranger, producer, programming Terra