Hafız Celal Sevimli
Top collaborators
Artist name
Hannu Koivula
Angels and Visitations, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": I. Tranquillo, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": II. Molto allegro, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": III. Come un sogno, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": IV. Pesante, VII. ("Tündöklő angyal") szimfónia - III. tétel
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
performing orchestra
Angels and Visitations, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": I. Tranquillo, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": II. Molto allegro, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": III. Come un sogno, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": IV. Pesante, VII. ("Tündöklő angyal") szimfónia - III. tétel
James Walsh (engineer)
Angels and Visitations, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": I. Tranquillo, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": II. Molto allegro, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": III. Come un sogno, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": IV. Pesante
Phil Rowlands (engineer)
engineer, producer
Angels and Visitations, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": I. Tranquillo, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": II. Molto allegro, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": III. Come un sogno, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": IV. Pesante
Collaborators on this artist's recordings
Artist name
Hannu Koivula
Angels and Visitations, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": I. Tranquillo, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": II. Molto allegro, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": III. Come un sogno, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": IV. Pesante, VII. ("Tündöklő angyal") szimfónia - III. tétel
Royal Scottish National Orchestra
performing orchestra
Angels and Visitations, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": I. Tranquillo, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": II. Molto allegro, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": III. Come un sogno, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": IV. Pesante, VII. ("Tündöklő angyal") szimfónia - III. tétel
James Walsh (engineer)
Angels and Visitations, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": I. Tranquillo, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": II. Molto allegro, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": III. Come un sogno, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": IV. Pesante
Phil Rowlands (engineer)
engineer, producer
Angels and Visitations, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": I. Tranquillo, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": II. Molto allegro, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": III. Come un sogno, Symphony no. 7 "Angel of Light": IV. Pesante