Gunder Audun Dragsten

producer, guitar, mix, bass guitar, acoustic guitar

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Godsend (Norwegian doom metal band)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Godsend mix, producer, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, guitar A Wayfarer’s Tears, Part I, A Wayfarer’s Tears, Part II, A Wayfarer’s Tears, Part III, A Wayfarer’s Tears, Part IV, A Wayfarer’s Tears, Part V, As the Shadows Fall, Autumn Leaves, Beyond the Mist of Memories, Clarion Call, Delusions of Grandure, Down Upon You, Eidolon, Galactic Galleon, In the Bitter Waters, Life Must Go On, Lost, My Lost Love, Nobody Home, Sermon, Silence of Time, Slaydream, Spiritual Loneliness, Starfall, The Sun Will Shine Again, Thoughts And Shadows, Tranquillity, Under Silver Linings, Voyage in Oblivion, Walking the Roads of the Unbeheld, With the Wind Comes the Rain